Illich – Medical Imperialism and Medicalisation

Throughout this blog, examination of Illich’s (1976) theory will take place by studying ‘medical imperialism’ and bringing in the idea of ‘Iatrogenesis’. Through the main theme of medicalisation, we aim to investigate what the theory involves and how it has affected views on medicine. Also, the focus will be upon opposing theories that argue the... Continue Reading →


HIV was first diagnosed in 1983, after the revelation from research by Gallo and Montagnier (2003) that HIV is a leading cause of acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS). HIV is a retrovirus that attacks vital cells in the immune system, meaning that the body loses immune function, which leads to the development of AIDS (Meyer and Alder, 2013). The HIV transmission routes were revealed to be sexual... Continue Reading →

Men ‘at risk’

Throughout history, the medical gaze, which defines medical professionals surveying individual bodies through medical assessment (Bury, 1998) has largely focused on women’s bodies but now, there is increased concentration on ageing and men’s bodies linking with Illich’s (1976) idea of medical imperialism that the medical profession is growing in authority, creating more dependence on a... Continue Reading →

Cosmetic Beauty

Cosmetic Surgery. Why? What is Cosmetic Surgery and how did it Emerge? Cosmetic surgery is defined as ‘a unique discipline of medicine focused on enhancing appearance through surgical and medical techniques’ (American Academy of Cosmetic Surgery, 2018). Cosmetic surgery can be performed on all areas of the body, neck, and head. Cosmetic surgery is often... Continue Reading →


The case studies mentioned throughout this blog help contribute towards Illich’s (1976) notion of medicalisation and medical imperialism showing how the theory is still relevant today. Illich’s ideas support the notion that there is a clear medical control within society, however Parsons idea of the ‘sick role’ contrasts his views as it helps explain how... Continue Reading →

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